Music and Drama
Ms Hossick – Head of Department
Mrs McIntosh
Mrs Melville
There are also 8 visiting instrumental staff:
Ms Jack – upper strings
Miss Crosby – lower strings
Mrs Barker – woodwind
Mr Barker – brass
Miss Paterson - percussion
Mr O’Hare – piano
Ms Perman – piano
Mr Nicholson – guitar
There are 2 well-equipped Music classrooms, a Drama Studio, a Recording Studio and 6 practice rooms.
In S1 pupils have 2 Music lessons and 1 Drama lesson a week. Activities are mainly practical and involve learning how to play instruments, creating original music and improvising scenes.
In S2 pupils have 1 Music lesson a week. Pupils continue to develop their skills on 2 instruments and complete a unit on Music Technology.
In S3 pupils can choose to continue with Music, Music Technology and Drama courses. Skills are developed in preparation for National 4 and National 5 courses for S4.
All activities and topics at BGE level cover Expressive Arts experiences and outcomes.
Senior Phase
In S4 pupils follow either the National 4 or National 5 courses for Music, Music Technology and Drama. Emphasis continues to be on practical activities and National 5 pupils sit a written exam at the end of the session.
In S5 & S6 pupils can choose to continue their Music studies at National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher level. Music Technology and Drama are offered at National 5 and Higher level.
Homework is set regularly throughout the session and pupils will be guided to specific homework booklets and tasks. Pupils who are studying Music from S3 upwards are expected to practise their instruments regularly and the practice rooms are available at lunchtimes for this purpose.
Music Tuition
Free music tuition is available to all pupils doing SQA courses and for those whose parents receive Income Support, Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance or any income-related element of Employment and Support Allowance. Application forms are available from Headteachers or Education & Children’s Services, Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, PERTH, PH1 5GD. Further information is available on the PKC Instumental Music webpage
There are a number of lunchtime groups and pupils are encouraged to get involved:
Orchestra – for instrumental players S1-S6
Choir – S1-S6
Percussion group – S1-S6
S1/S2 Practice drop-in
The department also runs a number of events including our school show (June), Instrumental Evening (November) and Festival of the Arts lunchtime concert (May). Many pupils also take part in Perform in Perth and play and sing at our annual Awards ceremonies.
Our next event is the Summer Showcase on 23 June 2022 in the Assembly Hall at 7pm. There will be music performances, acting, dancing and a display of artwork. Tickets are £3 for adults and £1.50 for concessions and can be purchased through ParentPay.
Revision Links
Music and Music Technology revision – all levels: