Design, Engineering & Technology 

We live in a technological world. Technological practice shapes the world that we live in and affects our quality of life. We use technology at work, in learning, and at home. Technology, therefore, plays an increasingly important part in all aspects of our lives, individually and as a society.  


The Design, Engineering and Technology Department (DET) has 3 full time members of staff. The Head of Department is Mr C Smith. Mr Clark and Mrs Packer make up the rest of the team.
Teaching rooms consist of two workshops and two computer suites. The department offers a wide range of courses from Broad General Education to Advanced Higher level.


In S1, pupils receive two period a week. They will experience woodwork, computer modelling and graphic and product design.
In S2, pupils receive one period a week. They will experience metalwork, sketching and drawing and engineering concepts.
In S3, pupils can choose to return for up to six course. These courses offer an opportunity to experience and build the skills required for a successful transition into the senior phase. Click on the choices below to find out more:
Design & Manufacture Graphic Communication Engineering Science
Practical Metalwork Practical Woodwork Creative Thinking  

Senior Phase

Senior phase pupils can follow a pathway in any of the available subjects.  The subjects have varying levels within them from National 3 to Advanced Higher.  This gives all pupils the opportunity to engage and experience success at an appropriate pace and level.   

Extra Curricular 

The department runs a wide range of clubs at lunch time and after school. This include the Young STEM Leaders programme and the Nae Waste recycling group - further information can be found by clicking on the images below.

no waste young STEM