Supporting your learner at home

This section of the website is designed to provide parents/carers with the resources and information they need to support their children with their learning at home. We are working hard as a school to raise our attainment and there are various options for pupils including mentoring, attending study support and information provided on the school website for pupils under the Study Skills section. Please encourage your child to use all of the resources available to them.


 Revision Approaches

There are many ways parents/carers can support their children’s attainment and success at school. Below is a list from the Positive Parenting Project with some ideas on how you can best support your child’s learning:

1. Reading – read with your child or encourage them to read, not just their schoolwork but reading books for pleasure.

2. Have a regular homework routine in place – similar time each day, writing down any questions for their class teacher.

3. Encourage your child to use supportive resources – Accessibility features in Microsoft such as Immersive Reader.

4. Encourage your child, praise them on their achievement and show an interest in their schoolwork.

5. Incidental learning at home – learning literacy and numeracy skills through games, baking, cooking, and pocket money!

6. Interesting conversations – Encourage your child to tell you what they learned today.

7. Encourage your child to take time to relax, rest and recharge!

8. Foster their passions – if your child is interested in an area, try to encourage this by finding ways to talk about this. For example, if your child is very interested in football, spend time talking about famous players or managers, or creating a fan page for their team.

9. Visit interesting places - Museums, local woods, historic houses if they are accessible locally.

10. Support friendships and social interactions.

11. Encourage your child to attend at least one Extra-Curricular Activity.

12. Give them tasks around the house to encourage new skills and responsibilities.

13. Prioritise resilience – teach them that failure will happen and their reaction to failure will determine the next steps.

14. Praise effort and progress.

15. Encourage them to set goals – breaking down big goals with mini goals.

16. Encourage a healthy lifestyle – eating a healthy balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercise.

17. Limit screentime – especially before bed.

Healthy schools – The importance of sleep